We're supporting, championing, and advocating for Canada's next generation of Black lawyers
Established in 1991.
The Black Law Students' Association of Canada (BLSA Canada) is a national student-run organization founded in 1991. We are committed to supporting and enhancing academic and professional opportunities for Black law students in both official languages. This commitment extends to Black high school and undergraduate students and the community generally through our mentorship initiatives and our scholarship program: BLSACares.
BLSA Canada and its chapters at law schools nationwide are concerned with challenges faced by the Black community as they relate to the legal system. Launching various initiatives to promote increased representation of Black students in law schools and assist in facilitating their success are a priority. We are proud to provide opportunities for formal and informal discussions about many subjects including legal policy issues, effective career strategies, evolutions in substantive law and access to justice for marginalized groups.
We reflect the diversity of the African/Black/Caribbean experience and welcome allies from all backgrounds who also seek to make a meaningful contribution to the furtherance of justice.
Our Mandate
BLSA Canada believes that mentorship is integral to the promotion of equality. We can all be mentors, helping those a step behind us, and we must all be mentees, learning from those ahead.
BLSA Canada seeks to create a sense of community and belonging for Black law students at our National Conference and Civil Law Symposium. BLSA Canada members also participate in community development and volunteer projects in various cities across Canada.
We provide our members with opportunities for valuable, advocacy experience at our annual Julius Alexander Moot and Civil Law Negotiations Competition.
BLSA Canada exists to support Black law students towards a successful legal career. To that end our executive is always available talk – BLSA Canada is committed to supporting you any way we can.

President’s Message • Message du Présidente
Vanessa Erhirhie
Dear BLSA Canada Network,
"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept." – Angela Davis
As we reflect on the transformative journey of BLSA Canada over the past 34 years, this quote encapsulates our enduring commitment to challenging the status quo and advocating for justice. Our organization, operated entirely by Canadian Black law students, has been at the forefront of not only advancing legal education but also of driving social and political change in a profession that too often marginalizes our voices.
Under the visionary leadership of the outgoing 2024–2025 National President, Jay Jay (Janet) Johnson, we have achieved remarkable milestones—ranging from hosting our inaugural conference in Calgary with nearly 600 attendees, to orchestrating the largest pre-law expo and the most competitive student-run moot with over 26 teams. These accomplishments stand as a testament to our collective resolve and the strategic groundwork laid for our future.
Looking ahead, our mission remains steadfast: to deepen our engagement, fortify our advocacy, and ensure that every Black law student receives the mentorship and support they deserve. Amid the ongoing challenges of anti-Black racism, inequitable representation, and barriers to access, our work in education and mentorship becomes ever more critical. We are determined to continue transforming our community through rigorous academic inquiry and unapologetic activism, ensuring that our voices not only resonate within the legal sphere but also drive broader societal change.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors, partners, alumni, volunteers, and every individual who has contributed to our journey. Your unwavering support empowers us to challenge systemic inequities and to build a legal profession that is truly inclusive and just.
I look forward to advancing our shared vision as we move into the next chapter of BLSA Canada.
In solidarity,
Vanessa Erhirhie
National President, The Black Law Students’ Association of Canada
Chers membres du réseau BLSA Canada,
« Je n’accepte plus les choses que je ne peux pas changer. Je change les choses que je ne peux pas accepter. » – Angela Davis
En réfléchissant au parcours transformateur de BLSA Canada au cours des 34 dernières années, cette citation résume parfaitement notre engagement indéfectible à remettre en cause le statu quo et à défendre la justice. Notre organisation, dirigée entièrement par des étudiants en droit noirs canadiens, a non seulement été à l’avant-garde de l’avancement de l’éducation juridique, mais a également joué un rôle déterminant dans la promotion du changement social et politique dans une profession qui, trop souvent, marginalise nos voix.
Sous la direction visionnaire de l’actuel président national sortant pour l’année 2024–2025, Jay Jay (Janet) Johnson, nous avons atteint des jalons remarquables — de l’organisation de notre toute première conférence à Calgary, réunissant près de 600 participants, à la mise en place du plus grand salon pré-droit et du concours d’argumentation étudiante le plus compétitif, regroupant plus de 26 équipes. Ces réalisations témoignent de notre détermination collective et du socle stratégique posé pour notre avenir.
En regardant vers l’avenir, notre mission demeure claire : approfondir notre engagement, renforcer notre plaidoyer et veiller à ce que chaque étudiant en droit noir reçoive le mentorat et le soutien qu’il mérite. Face aux défis persistants du racisme anti-noir, d’une représentation inéquitable et des obstacles à l’accès, notre travail en matière d’éducation et de mentorat revêt une importance cruciale. Nous sommes résolus à continuer de transformer notre communauté grâce à une recherche académique rigoureuse et un activisme sans compromis, afin que nos voix résonnent non seulement dans le domaine juridique, mais qu’elles contribuent également à un changement sociétal plus large.
Je tiens à exprimer ma profonde gratitude à nos sponsors, partenaires, anciens élèves, bénévoles et à toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à notre parcours. Votre soutien inébranlable nous donne la force de contester les inégalités systémiques et de bâtir une profession juridique véritablement inclusive et juste.
J’ai hâte de faire progresser notre vision commune alors que nous entamons le prochain chapitre de BLSA Canada.
En solidarité,
Vanessa Erhirhie
Présidente nationale, The Black Law Students’ Association of Canada