The Julius Alexander Isaac Moot ("The Isaac") is a competitive, for-credit moot historically held at the Ontario Court of Appeal. It is named after the late Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Julius Alexander Isaac, who was the first Black judge to sit on the Federal Court of Canada. Every year since 2008, the Moot has focused on an area of law in which issues of equity and diversity arise.

A Warm Thank You To Our Sponsors

Award Ceremony
Moot Competition

Past Participants

The final round of the Moot features a panel of sitting judges. In the past, the final round has been judged by justices from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Ontario Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada.
The first-place winner is invited to compete at the National Convention of the American National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition (TMMCC). The competitors in the TMMCC come from all across the US, and must win regional competitions before moving on to the main event
The Isaac Moot is typically held at the Ontario Court of Appeal, which is located in historic Osgoode Hall in the heart of downtown Toronto. In addition to hosting ONCA, Osgoode Hall has a storied history in Canada's legal community since it was built in the late 1800's, and is Canadian National Historic Monument.
The Moot provides an excellent opportunity for networking with peers at other law schools, with practicing lawyers, and even judges. Further, it is an opportunity to show off your skills in front of lawyers from some of the best law firms in Canada.

Inquiries? • Besoin de renseignements?

Inquiries? • Besoin de renseignements?
Please contact Emily-Rose Njonde, National Moot Director, at moot@blsacanada.com with any questions.
Veuillez contacter Emily-Rose Njonde, Directrice du Concours Nationale de Plaidoirie à moot@blsacanada.com.