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Pre-Law Expo

Expo pré-juridique de l' AÈND Canada

Calling all pre-law students! Join us at the National Pre-Law Expo on September 21, 2024, where you'll find the support and empowerment you need as you embark on your journey to law school. Whether you're just exploring a legal career or already set on applying, this event is your chance to gain valuable insights, resources, and guidance to help you excel in your law school preparation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from lawyers, judges and other legal professionals, connect with law schools, and expand your network.

Pillars of Justice

Are you a Black high school or undergraduate student interested in pursuing law? Preparing for the 2025 Application Cycle? This is for you!


Êtes-vous un.e étudiant.e noir.e du secondaire ou de premier cycle intéressé à poursuivre le droit? Préparez-vous à soumettre vos candidatures en 2025? Cette bourse est pour vous!

2024 Expo

Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024/ le samedi 21 septembre 2024


Location: Osgoode Hall Law School and VIRTUAL / Faculté de droit Osgoode Hall et VIRTUEL (4700 Keele St, North York, ON M3J 1P3)

Time / Heure: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm EST / 9h00 - 15h00 HNE

Hosted by / Organisé par: Osgoode Hall Law School / Faculté de droit Osgoode Hall

What you can expect

Ce que vous pouvez attendre


Mise en réseau



Admissions Advice

Conseils d'admission

Our Sponsors

Nos parrains

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum and Panel Sponsor


Gold Sponsors


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9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Come prepared with your Eventbrite QR code (and email that you purchased your tickets with as backup)! Then, explore the law firm and vendor booths in preparation for the Expo's kickoff!

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Opening Remarks & Dean's Welcome Address (Hybrid)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

The opening ceremony begins with remarks from BLSA Canada's National Mentorship Director Crystal Witter, BLSA Canada's National President Jay Jay Johnson, and Osgoode Hall Law School Dean Professor Trevor Farrow.

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Panel: Legal Professionals & Law Students (Hybrid)

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Welcome to the world of law! Learn firsthand from a trailblazing international lawyer and professor, an early career Bay Street lawyer, and law students on navigating the legal realm as a Black student. 


Moderator: Chioma Oriuwa, 3L, Osgoode Hall Law School

Panelists: Professor Jake Effoduh, Safia Thompson, Uche Umolu 

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Lunch & Networking Fair

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Enjoy a Caribbean lunch catered by The Diner's Corner. Explore our Networking Fair, featuring law schools from across Canada, national and international law firms, and community organizations.

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Application Workshop (Concurrent)

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

*In-person only* This 60-minute workshop will navigate you through the application process and deliver tailored strategies to leverage your lived experiences as a Black applicant in personal statement writing. Presented by Jerome Poon-Ting of U of T Faculty of Law & Ndija Anderson of the Lincoln Alexander School of Law.

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Black in Big Law: Strategies for Success Panel (Concurrent)

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

*In-person only* Have you ever considered what life might be like after law school? There are endless possibilities, but one is the world of big law! Hosted by Gowling WLG, an international Bay Street law firm, this panel session will introduce you to a potential career pathway in big law and guide you through strategies for succeeding and advancing as a Black lawyer. Presented by Gowling WLG.

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Fireside Chat with The Honourable Justice Lori-Anne Thomas (Hybrid)

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

In our keynote session, the Pre-Law Expo welcomes The Honourable Justice Lori-Anne Thomas for a fireside chat.


Moderator: Crystal Witter, National Mentorship Director, BLSA Canada

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Future Black Lawyers Pledge Ceremony

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
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Closing Remarks & LSAT Raffle (Hybrid)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM


Our 2023 Pre-law Expo

Notre Expo pré-juridique 2023

Participating Schools

Écoles participantes

How to Get there

Comment s'y rendre


Osgoode Hall Law School

4700 Keele St, North York, ON M3J 1P3



Attached is a map of the campus with the two closest paid parking lots highlighted and directions from them to the building. Please note that these lots use the Honk Mobile app for parking payment. You will need to download the app and use it to pay.


Another option to access campus is by taking the subway to York University.  It is a quick 7-minute walk from the subway station to the law school.


Below are links to further information about accessing campus:


Inquiries? • Besoin de renseignements? 

Please contact Crystal Witter, National Director of Mentorship, at with any questions or sponsorship inquiries.

Veuillez contacter Crystal Witter, Directrice Nationale du Mentorat, à pour toute question ou demande de parrainage.

Pillars of Justice

Follow us on social media for all updates!

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  • TikTok

The BLSA Canada Executive Board recognizes that our work takes place across many Indigenous territories across the land now called Canada. There are 70 treaties signed between the Crown and Indigenous nations, as well as unceded territories in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. We would also like to acknowledge that our office, located in Tkaronto (Toronto, Ontario), is home to many Indigneous nations, including the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit, and lies in the territo​ry governed by The Dish with One Spoon treaty. Indigenous peoples continue to live on and commune with these lands, and we are mindful of broken covenants and the past and present impacts of settler colonialism. We make this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to those in whose territory we reside.

Le conseil d'administration de l’AÉND Canada reconnaît que notre travail s'effectue dans de nombreux territoires autochtones à travers ce qui est maintenant appelé le Canada. Il existe 70 traités signés entre la Couronne et les nations autochtones, ainsi que des territoires non cédés en Colombie-Britannique, en Ontario, au Québec et en Nouvelle-Écosse. Nous tenons également à souligner que notre bureau, situé à Tkaronto (Toronto, Ontario), se trouve sur le territoire régi par le traité Un plat à une cuillère et qu’il abrite de nombreuses nations autochtones, notamment les Anichinabés, les Haudenosaunee et la Première Nation des Mississaugas de Credit. Les peuples autochtones continuent de vivre et de communier avec ces terres, et nous sommes conscients des pactes brisés et des impacts passés et présents du colonialisme. Nous faisons de cette reconnaissance un acte de réconciliation et de gratitude envers ceux sur le territoire desquels nous résidons.

© 2023 Black Law Students' Association of Canada | L'Association des étudiants noirs en droit du Canada. All rights reserved.

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